A Guide to the Crisis in Economics

A Guide to the Crisis in Economics
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  • Inflation, accompanied by economic disarray and popular despair, constitutes a major challenge to the credibility of economic science. Explanations and panaceas are vaunted, as various as they are incomprehensible, but the currency nonetheless continues to lose value.
    Now, in this Pelican Original, Dr Trevithick opens up the discussion to include everyone, blasting away the jargon with well-informed clarity. The characters in the drama include Milton Friedman, Keynes, Hayek and the Cambridge Economic Policy Group while the plot encompasses the Phillips Curve, Trade Union Power, 'Helicopter Money', floating currencies, incomes policy and indexation.
    Theories differ — and not along the traditional political lines of left or right — but Dr Trevithick shows that it is possible to control inflation, and that no one measure is enough. A combination of treatments is required, based on a full understanding of the nature of the disease.
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